VOICES MPhil module: First Day of Class

We are so excited to be offering an MPhil module on ‘The Lived Experiences of Women in Early Modern Ireland’, based on our ERC VOICES project.
In this module we aim to recover the voices and interrogate the lived experiences of women in early modern Ireland. What role did women play in a society undergoing profound economic, political, and cultural transformation? How do we recover the marginalised voices, lifecycles, and identities of women in Ireland and assess their contribution to the household, regional and national economies, and their relationship to the land? What were their experiences of recurring social upheaval, bloody civil war and extreme trauma, especially sexual violence?
Closely linked to the ERC project, VOICES, this course is based on primary sources, especially the 1641 Depositions, Chancery records, and testamentary material. We will also get hands on experience working with cutting edge digital tools and will learn more about Knowledge Graphs.